Pre-order Bananarama

Monday, June 12, 2006

On my birthday, there was moderate drinking

You're An Alcoholic

Time to go back to step one.
Really, that's not true. Alcoholics go to meetings.


Ces Adorio said...

Oh I could imagine. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Did you get any Fiesta?

ChristopherM said...

My friend Chuck brought me some Fiesta tumblers, plus a pineapple upsidedown cake on a turquoise chop plate. Saturday, we went to Macy's and he bought me a place setting of the new Fiesta color. I also got two DVDs from Craiggers, some cash, dinner, and a gigantic bottle of wine. Not a bad haul!

Ces Adorio said...

Absolutely not. Well Chuck is a generous friend. Pineapple upside-down cake! No one ever baked one for me. I love pineapples and cake. What do you think of Heather? You think I will like it?