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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Hotness

I am now 75% finished with finals. Today was Civil Procedure, and I don't want to talk about it other than to say that the professor decided the day prior to the exam that she doesn't feel well enough to grade essay exams, and so she switched to an all multiple-choice final. She could at least have used some lube, that's all I'm saying.

Me being me, I've been excessively snappy at home with all this finals stress going on, so Craiggers bought me a lovely present today to cheer me up: the soundtrack to the upcoming movie "Dreamgirls"!!! Granted, if I weren't interested at all, he would have bought it for himself because he's a big showtunes queen, but it was terribly sweet of him nonetheless. And it is great! I think the arrangements and added songs make it better than the original 1982 Broadway soundtrack, a tall order to say the least. If you aren't familiar with the story, get familiar because this may end up being the best movie of the year!

That said, no matter how great you've heard Jennifer Hudson sounds in the part of Effie White (and she is the greatest thing on the soundtrack without a doubt), she is no Jennifer Holiday. The pain and the pathos just don't come through the way they did in the original. The clip below is a performance from the 1982 Tony Awards when Ms. Holiday performed the drag classic "And I Am Telling You I Am Not Going" and then walked off with the award for Best Supporting Actress. I was 9 years old when this came out, and it would be worth being older just to have witnessed this in person. I've never seen anything like is like she is exorcising a demon on stage! Maybe I'll feel differently when I see it at the movie theaters, but I can't imagine Jennifer Hudson or anyone else touching this in a million years.

No Cheese here, weekly or otherwise. The first four minutes explain the story, and in the second four, the house gets brought down. The legendary Ms. Jennifer Holiday along with the original Broadway cast (including Sheryl Lee Ralph and Loretta Devine!) of "Dreamgirls":

This may be my gayest post ever! Anyway, finals end on Friday afternoon, drunkness ensues Friday evening, and assuming bail is made on time, Trading Faces should be returning to its regular feed of mediocrity shortly thereafter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that seems awfully early for finals. The law students here at CU just started today. At least this way you've got more time for celebrating (and recovering) over the holidays. I'm sure you did fine. Now just try not to think about it for the next few weeks and enjoy the break.