Pre-order Bananarama

Friday, December 15, 2006


My first semester of law school was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done, and I am so enjoying my time off now that finals are over. I've done some painting on the dining room, had a cocktail, made cookies, had a cocktail, saw two plays, and had about 20 cocktails. It has been lovely and peaceful.

Then I got my grades this afternoon, and all peace was shattered.

Shattered because I learned I didn't bomb out and then I screamed like a white woman!!!

I hestitated to post the actual grades because I don't intend to tell my classmates how I did, and because despite appearances, I hate to be obnoxious. But, I never hesitate to post my own humiliations, my classmates don't know about my blog, and I had many people pulling for me to do well, so I figured what they hell, why not? Those grades would be mediocre for undergrad or other graduate programs. For law school, they are good. Not spectacular, but good. I have to admit that I'm disappointed I didn't make an A in Civil Procedure (that was the class where the professor informed me that my answer to her question made her "sad"), but I'm floored by the A- in Contracts. That class has been the bane of my existence, and my blood pressure was dangerously high before the exam (I seriously considered having someone take me to the emergency room...I was a wreck!).

Anyway, I do apologize for not posting anything entertaining in some time, and for boring you all with law school stories. Also, thank you to all who sent me encouraging notes. Big huge thanks to Craiggers who put up with my big bag of bullshit through two weeks of exams, my sister who has promised not to blackmail me with the drunk-dial message I left for her during our post-finals celebration, and to my favorite blogger, The Angry Black Bitch, whose special Final Exams Bitchfirmation I faithfully recited prior to each exam. Go on with my bad academic self, indeed!


Anonymous said...

Those grades ARE really good. Congratulations...thought you might appreciate some accolades from a fellow law student who knows how hard it is to get there. Looks like you are off to an excellent start. Have a great holiday break!

Ces Adorio said...

I believe you about law school grades and I like that you scream like a white woman. I would just love to hear that someday. Congratulations! Now enjoy your holidays!!!

Anonymous said...

Christopher- I think that is absolutely FANTASTICALLY WONDERUL!!!!
I know law school is hard and I know you were stressed out.
My daughter is taking the LSAT prep course to improve her score to try to get into law school. She's graduating from grad school this Feb. I don't think she'll ever be out of school.
Now take a deep breath and be proud of yourself. We need some cheesy videos. Denise

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised that you did so well. You were successful before this, but it is so great that you are pursuing your goals and kicking ass.

It is hard to believe that we came from a town where the main goal seems to be that people should either run church youth groups or smoke crack all day while spending the hard earned dollars of spouses.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is better than good, you should be really proud!

Go have another cocktail, you earned it. :)

Cooper said...

That last anonymous is me, btw... damn blogger...

Cooper said...

That last anonymous is me, btw... damn blogger...

Ms. Val said...

Great job, Christopher!!!! I know it was a hard fought battle for you. Believe me, I know...although I wouldn't dare compare architectural history to law school.

Now, go have a chocolate martini on me