For those of you who aren't aware, the Ohio River is all that separates Indiana from the fair city of Louisville. Many a Louisvillian has been lost to the siren call of larger homes for less money across the river, but not I. I'll take a smaller house and pay for it just so I don't have to spend an hour of my life every day sitting on that damn bridge with 20,000 other cheapskates (sorry Ed!). This story shows just one more reason Indiana should be avoided at all costs. I like to know that if I go on a mad crime spree, I'll have access to my porn after I'm caught.
It's funny how every state has it's red-headed stepchild next door neighbor state like Kentucky with Indiana. When I lived in Ohio it was West Virginia to us which spawned such jokes as "What do you call a pretty girl in WVa.?" "A visitor..." or "What's the best thing to ever come out of WVa.?" "An empty tour bus..." Living in the SF Bay Area I can totally empathize with avoiding bridge traffic. Road rage can take years off one's life...
Hey! I moved all the way to England to stop driving across that damned bridge! - Ed
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