5/6 a lawyer, one quarter Scottish, partly cloudy, and 100% sassy.
"I'm going to spend buckets of money to make myself look fabulously abnormal. Because you know, what the world really needs is a male version of Jocelyn Wildenstein."Brilliant.
Glad you are home. It's great that your mom went with you and had a little fun, too.I'm, unfortunately, returning to Grayson to handle some redneck, crazy bullshit with my brother and sister-in-law. Did I tell you she stole $1500 from her kids' college fund to buy scratch-off lotto tickets in a Bipolar meltdown? Who needs therapy clients when I have family? Anyway, I think it will be good practice for my new talk show, "What the Fuck's Wrong with You?"That Rebbie Jackson video damn near killed me. She obviously stole one of LaToya's snakes to shoot lasers out of its eyes for no apparent reason. Have you ever been shot with lasers for no apparent reason? Very 80s. The moral of that video is to try to disguise your inability to dance and the fact that you are one of the untalented Jackson's by using shoulder shrugs and lightning bolts emanating from your hands.
Thank you Bedazzler, that comment was really just an excuse to post those pics of Jocelyn and make my pal Ed giggle. And Chad, you need to call me and explain exactly what you have to do with the fact that your brother is a moron and marries crazy people. Our brothers make us look so darn near perfect, don't they?
Jocelyn Wildenstein could star in either version of Mask remakes (i.e. Mask 2, co-starring Cher reprising her role as Rusty Dennis; or The Mask 3 - Sister of The Mask, probably costarring Jamie Kennedy). That's one seriously scary bitch!
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"I'm going to spend buckets of money to make myself look fabulously abnormal. Because you know, what the world really needs is a male version of Jocelyn Wildenstein."
Glad you are home. It's great that your mom went with you and had a little fun, too.
I'm, unfortunately, returning to Grayson to handle some redneck, crazy bullshit with my brother and sister-in-law. Did I tell you she stole $1500 from her kids' college fund to buy scratch-off lotto tickets in a Bipolar meltdown? Who needs therapy clients when I have family? Anyway, I think it will be good practice for my new talk show, "What the Fuck's Wrong with You?"
That Rebbie Jackson video damn near killed me. She obviously stole one of LaToya's snakes to shoot lasers out of its eyes for no apparent reason. Have you ever been shot with lasers for no apparent reason? Very 80s. The moral of that video is to try to disguise your inability to dance and the fact that you are one of the untalented Jackson's by using shoulder shrugs and lightning bolts emanating from your hands.
Thank you Bedazzler, that comment was really just an excuse to post those pics of Jocelyn and make my pal Ed giggle. And Chad, you need to call me and explain exactly what you have to do with the fact that your brother is a moron and marries crazy people. Our brothers make us look so darn near perfect, don't they?
Jocelyn Wildenstein could star in either version of Mask remakes (i.e. Mask 2, co-starring Cher reprising her role as Rusty Dennis; or The Mask 3 - Sister of The Mask, probably costarring Jamie Kennedy). That's one seriously scary bitch!
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